Have you ever watched someone lunging their horse and wondered how the horse moves so well with the trainer’s body language? What tools do they use to achieve that? In this week’s video, we show you how to use your…
Perfecting the Use of the Whip
We’ve talked before on the basics of handling the whip. Now, we want to give you a deeper insight on the important ways to use the whip, and how your other aids work with it, for maximum effective communication of…
Basic Body Language for Lunging Training
When we think about lunging training for our horses, the first thing that comes to mind is usually that our horse is going on a circle and we, or a trainer, are standing in the middle of that circle. We…
How to Tie Your Reins for Lunging
Have you ever been in a hurry to lunge your horse, maybe before a lesson or a show? You already have your horse tacked up and ready to go, and you want to give him one last workout. He’s already…
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